' Hunger, Not Independence, Concerns India's Peasants ' by Padmashree Phillips Talbot "To him in August, 1947, the important question are whether there will be enough food to last through the winter, and when cloth will be obtainable, and kerosene and tea cheaper." Youngstown Vindicator - Aug 18, 1947. A daily newspaper serving Youngstown, Ohio. Just above the article you will find the photograph of Musket, a year-old Moose who loveed to eat Marple leaves. Just below the article is the news about French declaring Pondicherry, Karikal, Chandernagor, Mahe and Yanaon 'Free Cities'. ' Killings Mar Birth of New India States ' "Membership in all international organisations like the United nations went to Hindustan by previous agreement; Pakistan will not seek membership for itself." St. Petersburg Times - Aug 15, 1947. St. Petersburg, Florida. Next to the shot news piece there is a photograph of 'Strange bedfellows', a ...