Like all things in India, this story too begins with religion. In around 1664 a Jesuit named Athanasius Kircher in his writings described a magical device that could be used to project demons. Later when this device got made, this Magic Lantern * became a favorite of conjurers, magicians and missionaries. Although people found it magical, but for some it still wasn't magical enough. The images couldn't move. And they remained immobile for another one hundred and fifty years till in around 1828, a Belgian researcher named Joseph Plateau got an idea on how to make the images move. In around 1832, Plateau came up with a device called Phenakistoscope that could create an illusion of motion. Soon all kind of devilish ideas started popping in human head. Man wanted to see motion. See himself in motion. In 1891, Edison came out with a Kinetoscope . That motion could be captured on camera became a well known fact. Now the question was, could it be done in a simpler way.